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Showing posts with label Hamzat. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 December 2019


...As Hamzat, Kanyanja, Adefisayo, Ayandele applauded students delegates

...made history with 1st United Nations General Assembly Lagos Edition.

AgegePulse Magazine

Voices of Women and Young People have been identified as significant to the realization of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The Secretary-General United Nations, Antonio Gutteres stated this in a message to the 1st Lagos Secondary Schools Model United Nations Conference, LASS-MUN organized by the United Nations Information Centre, UNIC, Nigeria in collaboration with Lagos State Ministry of Education and Lagos State Education District III. EDUCATION DISTRICT III, FALOMO IKOYI.

Delivering the message of the Secretary-General, the Director, United Nations Information Center, UNIC Mr. Roland Kayanja pointed that the United Nations considered young people as agent of change.

“To achieve the 17 SDG Goals, we need a great global mobilization, that goes beyond government, bringing people together from all walks of life, and showing that international cooperation can deliver for everyone”

He called the attention of the 1st LASS-MUN conference to what he described as the ‘biggest issues of our time: peace, climate action, sustainable development and human rights, urging them to increase ambition, and hold leaders to account”

While delivering his address, the Deputy Governor, Dr Obafemi Hamzat who was represented on the occassion said with the Model UN initiative which promotes, dialogue and compromise, there was hope for this generation.

In her message to the conference, the Commissioner for Education, Mrs Folasade Omobola Adefisayo pointed that 1st LASS-MUN was a huge step for the state as it would reposition the education system and Lagos state for efficient service delivery.

The Tutor General and the Permanent Secretary,  Education District III, Dr  Olayimika Yinka Ayandele who described the delegates as emerging leaders, noted that the LASSMUN conference had brought the importance of cities, as engines of sustainable development to the front burner.

While speaking earlier, the National Information Officer, UNIC, Nigeria, Dr. Seyi Soremekunwho described the conference as epoch making said the Model United Nations was a strategic way to step young ones into shoes of adult through simulations of UN procedures to enable them appreciate global challenges and proffer solutions to them.

Meanwhile, the President of the Lagos State Secondary Schools, General Assembly, Master Abdul Ganiu Nurudeen and the Secretary-General LASS-MUN, Master Awogbenle Joseph said though the world was faced with divers’ challenges such as the Climate change, pledged that there was the need to increase number of cities and human settlement adopting and implementing integrated policies on urban settlement resilience to disaster.

One hundred and thirty-two schools participated in the first Lagos Secondary Schools Model United Nations, LASS-MUN which has the theme: Making Cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

The Consul General of the Republic of Cameroon, Mne Bessem Manga was among dignitaries at the occasion..

The First LASS MUN conference adopted three resolutions and adjourned the General Assembly till year 2020
