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Showing posts with label LASG INAUGURATES. Show all posts

Monday 3 February 2020

CORONAVIRUS: LASG inaugurates Incident Command System

…To Start "Supervised Quarantine"

...Gov Sanwo-Olu Becomes Chief Incident Commander

 AgegePulse Magazine

In a bid to prevent an outbreak of the fast spreading Novel Coronavirus, the Lagos State Government on Monday launched an Incident Command System.

The health emergency structure is being set up to help with containment in the unlikely event of outbreaks of the virus in the State.

Commissioner of Health, Prof. Akin Abayomi explained that the Novel Coronavirus is a new pathogen to the human race and as such, research is still ongoing on how to arrest it.

According to him, no suspected or confirmed cases of Novel Coronavirus has been found in Lagos, warning residents against rumour mongering on public health and safety.

The Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, while launching the Incident Command System said the measure is not to stigmatise citizens of any country but a precautionary one taken in the interest of the people.

The Command System will have the Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu as the Incident Commander while the Commissioner for Health will serve as the Deputy Incident Commander.

The Governor noted that relevant health professionals, in conjunction with the Federal ministry of health, would be deployed to the Lagos International Airport for a higher level of monitoring.

The Governor assured that the Government and Non Governmental Organisations will continue to escalate communication and create public awareness.

He said: “What we have started to do is to have what we call a heightened state concern on the Coronavirus. We are not declaring an emergency in any form but creating a heightened state concern.

"Also, the Honourable Commissioner through his Ministry will identify relevant health professionals that would, in conjunction with the Federal ministry of health, be deployed to our International Airports in Lagos where we would see higher level of monitoring as well as organised level of incidence reporting layout.”

Governor Sanwo-Olu said that although the team expects people to be self quarantined, he however stressed that the State will carry out a supervised quarantine where details about immigrants will be taken at the point of entry while the team will do daily follow-ups through phone calls to identified individuals for a period of two weeks.

According to the Governor, the command will be in operation for the period of time the risk lasts. He assured that adequate preparation has been carried out to tackle the virus.

The Governor said: “This command will go on until when we believe and we have been given assurance that we have a stable and controlled environment but in the meantime, this exercises are going to be put in place and we are going to start things immediately.

“I also want to mention that we have started providing both human and material logistics required for this exercise.

“All of our major General Hospitals are also being prepared in event of an outpour into any of them. The hospitals in mainland have tents coming up and extensive resources are being put in that particular health facility for them to be on standby in case of any suspected or identified case.”

Abayomi further added that the WHO has declared the novel coronavirus a global health concern, saying this will make the State Government step up scrutinising travellers coming in from mostly affected region.

“We need to really ramp up the human capacity at the airport to be able to scrutinise all travellers coming in from particularly the routes that are coming in from the South East Asian regions.

The Deputy Governor, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat; the Consul General of People's Republic of China, Chu Moaming and the Secretary to the State Government, Mrs Folashade Jaji were among the dignitaries present at the event.

Sunday 14 July 2019


  ……Tasks Committee to rid A.R.T practice of quackery

AgegePulse Magazine

Chairman Monitoring and Enforcement Committee on Regulation of ART practice in Lagos, Prof. Osato Osagie, Permanent Secretary, Lagos State Ministry of Health, Dr.  Titilayo Goncalves and Executive Secretary, HEFAMAA, Dr.  Abiola Idowu at the inauguration of the Committee over the weekend in Lagos

Lagos State Government over the weekend inaugurated a seven-man committee to monitor, regulate and enforce quality compliance in Assisted Reproductive Technology (A.R.T) practice in the state.

Permanent Secretary in the State Ministry of Health, Dr. Titilayo Goncalves who inaugurated the committee last Friday at the Ministry's Conference Room noted that the constitution of the committee is in line with Lagos State government's commitment to ensure best practices in assisted fertility practice.

She said: "the constitution of this seven-man committee is in tandem with our resolve to implement the the policy document on ART regulations and practice which we unveiled recently in partnership with Association of Fertility and Reproductive Health (AFRH) and experts in fertility medicine"

She added that the inauguration of the committee is also aimed at fostering professionalism, quality assurance as well as curbing quackery in the assisted fertility practice.

Chairman Monitoring and Enforcement Committee on Regulation of ART practice in Lagos, Prof. Osato Osagie (Fourth left), Permanent Secretary, Lagos State Ministry of Health, Dr.  Titilayo Goncalves (Middle), Executive Secretary, HEFAMAA, Dr.  Abiola Idowu (Fourth Right); a member of the Committee, Prof.  Oladapo Ashiru (Third Right) and other members of the committee during their inauguration at the weekend in Lagos

Goncalves who stated that the members of the committee were drawn from private practitioners in fertility medicine, experts in the public sector, members of AFRH and officials of the Lagos State Health Facility Monitoring and Accreditation Agency (HEFAMAA) noted that the committee is charged with the onerous task of educating, enlightening and sensitizing citizens on ART practice whilst bringing sanity through monitoring and enforcement compliance to the ART practice in the State.

"The need to protect members of the public from falling prey to quacks who parade themselves as experts in fertility medicine and the need to regulate practice in this specialized field of medicine in line with acceptable international best practices prompted State government's intervention", She said. 

The Permanent Secretary explained that the State Government, since 2017 has been involved in several enlightenment and sensitization campaigns to educate the populace ART practice. She expressed optimism that the development and implementation of ART policy document on practice and regulations will help eradicate quackery and unprofessional conduct in assisted fertility practice.

"We will intensify awareness and sensitization campaign as well as monitoring and enforcement of regulations in ART practice through this committee and HEFAMAA to ensure citizens do not fall prey to quacks in fertility practice"

"I want to assure you that the State government through HEFAMAA and the committee in partnership with AFRH and other professionals and experts in assisted fertility practice would channel energy to rid the State off quackery, unregistered and substandard health facilities in ART practices", Goncalves vowed.

While commending all those that contributed to the birth of the policy document and guidelines on ART practice, Goncalves task the Committee to live up to its billing and ensure fulfilment of its terms of engagement.

She assured that the policy document and guidelines of ART practice as well as the activities of the committee would go a long way in protecting clients and expert in ART practice, allay public concerns and help in guiding professional practice in assisted fertility medicine.

Executive Secretary, HEFAMAA, Dr. Abiola Idowu who is also a member of the committee assured that HEFAMAA in collaboration with the committee will do all it takes to ensure best practices in assisted reproductive and fertility practice.

"HEFAMAA is known for its tough stance against quackery and unprofessional practices,   and inline with our mandates, sanity must return to ART practice. I therefore used this medium to urge all practitioners and health facilities involved in ART practice to register and ensure proper accreditation with HEFAMAA because it will not be business as usual", She said.

Idowu stated further  that HEFAMAA will leave no stone unturned in ensuring that all facilities operating in the State are duly registered and operated by qualified health care providers within the armbit of the law.

She stressed that the State Government remains determined to putting a halt to the ugly trend of having unqualified personnel work in health facilities, be it private or public adding that the agency will continue to insist that the environment for the dispensation of medical care should be suitable for the promotion and maintenance of good health.

The Chairman of the Committee, Professor Osato Giwa-Osagie while responding on behalf of members of the committee, commended the efforts of the state government towards ensuring that strict and effective measures are in place to monitor and regulate the activities of ART practice in Lagos State.

Noting that experts and professionals have made several calls especially in recent times to governments at Federal and State levels for regulations of ART practices, Prof.  Osagie noted that Lagos State being the first to answer this call has created a standard model for other states to emulate.

‘’It is heartwarming that Lagos state Government in partnership with AFRH has picked up the call on regulation of ART practice especially with aim of ending quackery practice, this shows that the government is determined to end quackery and restore sanity to ART practice in the state’’ He said.

He assured that his committee will ensure that the practice of ART will be to the highest possible ethical standard as according to him quackery will not be tolerated under any guise.