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Showing posts with label observer for APCOM Elections. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Lagos NUJ Chairman, Dr Qasim Akinreti, confirmed as observer for APCOM Elections

AgegePulse Magazine

…….to make key announcement at the congress

The Association of Practitioners of Community Media in Nigeria(APCOM)will hold its Annual General Meeting(AGM) and General Elections on Friday 17th January, 2020 in Lagos.

The outgoing President of the Association, Mr. Dayo Akintobi, has stated that his Executive Board will give account of its stewardship over the last two years during the AGM, following which the EXCO will be dissolved and elections held for a new Executive Board that will pilot the affairs of the Association for the next two years.

All offices of the Executive Board are open for contest in the upcoming elections.

 These include offices of the President, Vice President, General Secretary, and Treasurer. Others are Financial Secretary, Public Relations Officer, Assistant General Secretary, and Social/Welfare Officer.
Contestants for the various offices were made to undergo a screening process which was held at the Association’s Secretariat in Ilupeju, Lagos. Successful candidates were cleared to contest the elections.

To adjudge the electoral process for transparency and fairness, APCOM has invited a number of key stakeholders in the media space to attend as observers.

Among them is Dr. Qasim Akinreti, Chairman, Lagos State Chapter, Nigeria Union of Journalists, who has confirmed his attendance and indicated that he will make a key announcement relating to community media during the event.

Others invited to observe the elections include representatives of the Lagos State Ministry of Information & Strategy, the Lagos State Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs, and the Newspaper Proprietors Association of Nigeria(NPAN).