



Showing posts with label Entrepreneur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entrepreneur. Show all posts

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Meet Agege Young Billionaire Ogundele, Says Fear of Poverty Brought Me This Far

OGUNDELE: Agege boy who became one of Nigeria’s youngest billionaires

By Charles Kumolu

In a society with limited opportunities  especially for  youths, he was terrified by the fear of poverty early in life. In Agege, a Lagos suburb, where he grew up, he converted  his  apprehension to a motivation  which eventually became his saving grace.

 Education and creativity were vital  in elevating  Mr. Sijibomi Ogundele to the position of  Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of a multi-billion naira real estate firm, Sujimoto Construction.

The firm built the tallest residential building, Lorenzo, in Lagos. His wealth and fame at a relatively young age, have been adjudged  an inspiration.  Ogundele, who is regarded as one of Nigeria’s youngest billionaires, is rated a brave young entrepreneur  by  Forbes Africa.

The following is his story: Sijibomi Ogundele In the beginning While growing up on the streets of Agege, the fear of poverty was my greatest motivation.

Out of the 47 houses on our street, only two people owned a power generating set. This taught me a great lesson that for wealth to be generated, my environment and the people I surround myself with, need to change.

At the tender age of 9, I started visiting Ikoyi with the mindset  that someday, I would also live there. Today, that dream has become reality. I became a billionaire at a young age because I prepared myself for it. It required hardwork and a strong conviction that I was chosen and ordained by God.

This is the basis of  my confidence which motivates  me to  dream bigger than my environment. Passion for entrepreneurship I speak English, French, Spanish, Yoruba, and Hausa. It will interest you to know that I have a working knowledge of Japanese and Arabic languages. From childhood, I developed a passion for entrepreneurship.

That’s been my only passion to date. I was first introduced to business at a tender age in Africa’s largest market, Oke-Arin. Out of curiosity, I  followed my mother to the market where I learned every aspect of trading. That’s why I’m not surprised  I’m the Managing Director and Chairman of Sujimoto. We usually say  Sujimoto is to architecture what Picasso was to art. We are a dynamic and innovative luxury real estate firm. Our major mission is to revolutionize the luxury real estate sector.

Fear of poverty The fear of poverty brought me this far in life. As a builder, the foundation for me was very crucial because a man’s foundation gives him a glimpse into his future. Without my childhood experiences, I wouldn’t be where I am today. It didn’t only  make me resilient, it was a strong  pillar. I have zero tolerance for failure and I believe that a man  who lives in an apartment in Ikorodu today, can own a house in Ikoyi tomorrow. Success is all about choices we make and our priorities. I’m  quite  fortunate to have won the ovarian lottery of my mother; a woman who at the age of nine was sent to Cameroon as a sales girl.

Today, against all odds, she’s  among the biggest distributors for Nestlรฉ Nigeria Plc. She inspired me to be who and what  I am today. She taught me the importance of having a great vision and working persistently towards making it a reality. Foundations of my success I found wealth by reading books.

My first introduction to entrepreneurship was when I read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Ten years in any university could never have given me what I learned in 10 days. This changed my life forever. I understood two things. The first is to look for a product. The second one is to create a competitive advantage.

Also, customers should always come first. These principles are the foundations of my success. My first major break I ventured into the luxury real estate sector at a time when Nigerians were beginning to demand value for their money. My vision was simple: to redefine luxury living by exceeding all expectations. My simple philosophy was to create sugar, after which ants will come. I have been doing real estate since 1998 when I lived in the South of France as a common agent with no license. Back then, I brokered a lot of deals in project management and financing but my first major break was in 2011 when I bought an apartment in Paris and decided to remodel it.

My friends thought I was crazy and ostentatious but after I was done renovating, I sold it in less than two months to a friend from Qatar for double the price. This investment flip in such a short time re-ignited my interest in real estate and changed my career path forever. Before moving back to Nigeria, I visited my aunt who bought a house on Banana Island. After paying so much for the house, I still had to help her redesign the kitchen, change the doors, tiles and other things. It was very exerting and frustrating considering the fact that one would expect a house of that magnitude and price to have quality accessories and interiors.

When I decided to return to Nigeria in 2014, I had the vision to liberate the Nigerian luxury real estate market and bring true value to customers, who were not only tired of architectural mediocrity but also frustrated by value depreciation. I ventured  into the luxury real estate sector at a time when Nigerians were beginning to demand quality and value for their money. They had been at the mercy of mediocre developers who  refused to raise the bar in terms of quality but demanded ridiculous prices, because they thought the customer didn’t know better.The market was littered with substandard structures, going for exorbitant prices. All I did was to create sugar by offering  world-class service with  superb finishing of international standard at reasonable prices. The game changed and  today, most of the so-called top developers are using Sujimoto as a case study. Many have copied our designs and tried to emulate our marketing strategy.  Potentials and talents My desire to create a platform that inspires the next generation made us to organise a mentorship platform.

It was to inspire young talents and send a message to the nation that our major asset is our human capital. The Sujimoto one-day internship and mentoring programme is a lifetime project  and it’s  objective is  empowering young aspiring entrepreneurs with business skills, advisory, mentorship and financial support. Young Nigerian students between the ages of  12 and  22 were specially selected from different institutions from all over Nigeria to participate. This event is about inspiration.Without the right mentorship, people might miss the road to their destinies. That’s why we have different people from different industries, who share their stories with young people and encourage them to pursue their dreams. Youths need to know that their location has nothing to do with their destination. The project is for youths for now. Nigeria  has a  tendency  of  discouraging people from achieving their potentials with their talents.  We want our brand to  empower  youths and help them achieve their potentials. A short message can transform a mindset, just the way a piece of advice can change a life. Accepting failure Mentoring assures people that there’s someone who cares about them, assures them that they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges and makes them feel  they matter. Ultimately, mentoring connects an individual to personal growth and development, social and economic opportunities. Sadly, one-in-three young people will grow up without this crucial asset.Anyone aspiring to be great should not accept failure. When failure happens, people should rather be strong and learn from it.

Nobody succeeds without challenging himself. I want to encourage young people in this country to read books, because a widely read person is an asset any day. Being creative should not be ignored as well as associating with the right people. Biggest challenge in life I dreamed of developing what I can call the biggest project in my life; which is the tallest residential building in Sub-Sahara Africa estimated to cost $90 million. I invested all my money, time and passion into it because believed in it. Sadly, our economy crashed and things became rough. Sometimes, life snatches peoples’ dreams away, making everything around them appear impossible.

At that point, some people told me that real estate is a difficult sector. They said it was better I abandoned my passion and do something else. I visited a friend’s water factory in Abeokuta and thought about venturing into the pure-water business. Not satisfied with that, I was at Ijebu Igbo and visited some farms because farming looked promising. Confused and devastated A friend, whom I lent about $2 million defaulted.  I contemplated selling all I owned and move to New York City. At that point, I had spoken to a successful Nigerian actor, who relocated to Atlanta because of the recession in the country. He assured me that I could access credit through a flexible banking system. I was confused and devastated, but I kept the words of Napolรฉon Hills on replay in my head. I remembered that my condition at the time should not determine my destination. However, I knew that running away wasn’t the definition of the Motomatics Philosophy I had created. The Sujimoto I know wasn’t a runaway loser, neither is it a brand that lacked focus. I developed courage and refocused my life. I revisited my options and created Guilliano, the son of Lorenzo, the grandson of Cosimo the Medici. I conceptualised, planned and executed the project, even though I didn’t have all the money.  It was the most inspiring, most difficult and most challenging time for me. I am thankful I didn’t give up. I have remained focused in pursuing that dream and making  it come true. In 10 years from now, we want to see beneficiaries of the foundation come back to testify to how the organisation has changed their lives and also contribute to the moral and educational development of others. I want to see the foundation develop into a life-changing institution and a model in the humanitarian circle.

Recently, professionals cautioned that the scope of the foundation is too broad. We were advised to focus on education, empowerment and community development. Life of contentment We must begin to address  challenges in the education sector in a strategic manner. When an individual is educated, many generations would automatically be liberated through him. That’s because the level of reasoning and the worldview of an educated individual are remarkably different from others. Through lawmaking, we can reform the education system and make it more result-oriented.

Through lawmaking, we can bring hope to millions of people through education. The liberation of every society starts with education. To achieve this, we must live a life of contentment. We live flamboyant lifestyles that we do not have the capacity to sustain whereas crucial needs like education suffer.

We cannot develop if we continue like that. This is why I invest so much in education. Every year, I distribute thousands of exercise books to schools. When I was in primary two, I could not afford exercise books. Whenever I remember my experience, I acknowledge the deprivation some pupils go through and how useful I could be to them. That’s why I have been actively involved in the empowerment of  youths and women. To reach a larger percentage of these groups, we need to put in place robust institutional frameworks that are supportive of the society we want to build.  I think the society we want, should be progressive, developmental and wealth-creating. Young men and women die daily of ailments that could be cured by common medical solutions. Children, who are willing to learn do not have the basic facilities required for descent learning. If we cannot begin to think of how to address these challenges, it means we have lost the essence of humanity. We must create an environment that’s conducive for  education and healthy living.



Saturday 7 July 2018

Commissioner tasks unemployed youth on skill acquisition

The Lagos State Commissioner for Wealth Creation and Employment, Pharmacist Uzamat Akinbile-Yusuf has advised Nigerian youths, especially those seeking employment to acquire soft skills in order to fit into the current paradigm shift in the labour market.

The Commissioner, who made the call today at the Youth Entrepreneurship Mentoring Seminar organised by the Ministry, observed that following the paradigm shift, most employers now emphasize individuals’ skill as against certificate qualifications.

She said that the current administration is committed to reducing the rate of unemployment by encouraging the people to be self-employed, adding that the realization prompted the establishment of Ministry of Wealth Creation and Employment, among other intervention, to champion development, create wealth and employ the people of the State.

Akinbile-Yusuf also disclosed that the Ministry is collaborating with Betti-O Foundation School of Fashion, an arm of ‘Ruff N Tumble’ for the training of 50 youths in the art of fashion design and garments under its Sustainable Enterprise Development Programme, just as it had also concluded partnership with Auto-Medics to train technicians so as to meet the challenges of modern automobile repairs.

“In a bid to encourage the growth and development of Entrepreneurship as the catalyst for economic growth as well as solve the problem of access to capital, the State Government established the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF) aimed at providing affordable credit to assist entrepreneurs in implementing their business ideas thereby providing the mechanism for stimulating growth, reducing unemployment as well as addressing youth restiveness”, the Commissioner said.

She explained that the various measures of the government in the area of empowerment are aimed at raising the skill level of entrepreneurs to match the demands and needs of the society, especially with new technologies being developed around the world.

One of the facilitators at the event, Mr. Lanre Oniyitan of Holistic Business Solutions, admonished the participants to leverage on the opportunity of being graduates to do things better than not too literate persons.

He maintained that there is always a business angle to every human activity and challenged the youth to explore the business opportunities based on their identified skills in order to make a living with it.

Friday 27 October 2017

Take lead role in national development - COWLSO urges women

AgegePulse Magazine

The Committee of Wives of Lagos State Officials, COWLSO, has charged women to be positively aggressive and assertive in words to contribute to the development of the nation.

This was one of the recommendations at this year's National Women's Conference organized by COWLSO at the Eko Hotels and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos, Southwest Nigeria.

Delivering her closing remarks, the wife of the Lagos State Governor and Chairman, COWLSO, Mrs Bolanle Ambode urged participants at the conference to make use of what they learnt for their personal benefits.

Mrs. Ambode said women should key into the area of entrepreneurship at this challenging period to make positive impact.

In the area of agriculture, she challenged women to have good mentors, be consistent and persist in doing things right as challenges were stepping stones that did not kill.

She urged them to take advantage of the paradigm shift from crude oil, which is leading to a major leap for the agricultural sector.

On the experience garnered at the conference, Mrs Ambode explained that one of the things learnt during the conference was that, stress contributed to death of six out of 10 people worldwide, adding that as such, women should conduct annual comprehensive medical checkups, exercise regularly, maintain ideal body weight and shun habits like smoking, hard drugs, among others.

On his part, Lagos State Governor, Akinwumi Ambode tasked women to implement all 21 resolutions reached at this year's COWLSO Conference ahead of the 2018 edition.

The governor reiterated government's commitment towards supporting the course of women in Lagos State.

The special guest of honour, the Governor of Adamawa State, Bindo Jibrilla, represented by his Deputy, Matis Babale, in declaring the conference closed urged women to be nation builders. He charged them to be creative and industrious, so as to positively transform the family, community and the nation at large.

The communique read by Prof. Ibiyemi Bello also charged women to embrace entrepreneurial disposition which would be helpful in overcoming challenging situations.

The conference said there should be more advocacy to encourage women to explore their innate abilities to make a difference.

It charged women to source for funds through grants equity and debt financing.

Also, COWLSO urged government to provide land and conducive environment for women farmers, adding that women could source funds through grants, equity and debt financing, among others.

It stressed that government should  provide more opportunities and full support for young women and youths, to acquire skills for agri-business, while women should be empowered to take care of the family, community and nation, among others.

Recall that 3 cars were won last year, while 6 brand new cars, comprising of 1 Hyundai 110 and 5 MG cars were won alongside all expenses paid trips to Dubai among other gifts won at the gala night.

Certificates of appreciation were presented to friends of COWLSO - Chief Micheal Ade-Ojo; Chi-Nigeria Limited and Chevron Nigeria Limited.

Pix Caption
Wife of the Governor of Lagos State and chairman, Committee of Wives of Lagos State Officials (COWLSO), Mrs. Bolanle Ambode (2nd left); and recipients of Appreciation Award towards COWLSO vision, chairman, Elizade Motors, Chief Michael Ade Ojo (L); and Chevron Nigeria Limited, during the closing ceremony of the 17th National Women’s Conference of the Committee, in Lagos, on Thursday, 26th October, 2017