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Showing posts with label companies. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Electricity: Lagos Assembly Charges distribution companies On Regular Power Supply

...demand better deal for constituents during and after the lockdown.

The Lagos State House of Assembly has tasked the power Distributing Companies within Lagos territory, to be more humane in the discharge of their statutory duties, ensuring Lagosians enjoy considerable power supply, within and after the COVID-19 pandemic period.

This charge was made through a Joint Committee of the House constituted by the Speaker, Rt Hon.Mudashiru Obasa to make an oversight visit to the two Distribution Companies; EKO and Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company in order to fine tune means through which people can get power supply, while they comply with the stay at home directives in place.

The Joint Committee which comprised of House Committee on Energy and Mineral resources and; that of Information, Security and Strategy headed by Hon.Folajimi Mohammed with the mandate to visit the distribution networks (DISCO)in Lagos state.

Speaking after the visit, the Joint Committee Chairman Folajimi Mohammed appraised the situation, which necessitated the visit as peoples comfort need to be guaranteed while observing the stay at home order through steady power supply.

"During the COVID-19 period we have seen that there is an order for a lockdown, and this has caused a lot of discomfort to our constituents,to this end we were asked to visit the DISCOs and find out issues as to why there has been insufficient supply of electricity to most parts of Lagos State.

"One thing was pertinent about the meeting, they DISCOs accepted and admitted the flaws, however, they urged that we look at this holistically considering different value chains within the sphere of the departments, so as it is, we can't necessarily put most of the blame on the DISCOs.

"However, we have asked that they give us a road map as to how they want to ensure effective distribution of power to the people.

" I am glad that Ikeja DISCO has honoured the request by giving their words and promised to appoint people who would directly relate with us at the House of Assembly for onward transfer to our constituents whom we represent.

"We can't but appeal to our constituents to be calm at this time ,we understand these are tough times and from the reports and what we have been shown they have actually generated full capacity , but, they still have Infrastructural challenges, so we need to understand that without those infrastructure in place most things would not be done.

"So I would only try to appeal to the people and all constituents to kindly bear with them as they have been looking at the best way to profer solutions to this hardship.

Hon. Tunde Braimoh, the House Chairman on  Information,Security and Strategy in his own submission after the parley noted that it is of essence for the general public to own the available infrastructures as the energy theft is causing people a lot of needless stress.

"Government is about the people we are not just there for aggradisement or grandstanding of being in government,we must be purposefully useful and effective to the people that we serve.

"The supply of electricity power is one of the basic yearnings of our people because electricity remains the most important innovations of humanity in the last one thousand years and nobody  can joke with the importance of electricity.

That is why we have to come out to interact with the EKODISCO having inundated with a series  of complaints about; no electricity supply,excessive billings,outright disconnection and all of that and we need to be more sympathetic or empathetic rather to the plight of the people in this pandemic situation because people cannot go out to work,economic power is low and of course staying at home too should be as comfortable as possible and without electricity that will be a mirage.

That's why we are out here to interact with the Managing Director of EKODISCO and we have had a very useful discussion with him.

"He had been able to let us know what efforts they have been doing and I can say by and large they have been very altruistic and public spirited in their mode of operation.  I just need to appeal to our people to understand them because they too have a lot of limitations.

The Commissioner for Energy and Mineral resources Mr Olalere Odusote who was present at the two parleys enjoins Lagosians to comply with the stay at home order and remain safe, assuring that all their issues with power supply are being handled seriously by the state government.

"The people should be rest assured that the state government would continue to work with the electricity distribution companies,to ensure that their power supply is not adversely affected by any actions that the government is taking during the pandemic,especially due to restriction of movement.

"Electricity companies are committed to continue in carrying out their services as well as they have been carrying it before the pandemic .

"The Lagos state government will continue to support the distribution companies,Lagosians are enjoined to stay at home, if you don't have any essential business outside of your home,stay at home because the more you stay the less likely it is that you could contract or be infected with any COVID.

"Lagosians are urged not to worry about electricity supply because that is being taken care of as well as it was before the COVID and perhaps even better." Said Odusote .

The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer EKODISCO Mr.Adeoye Fadeyibi, gave a clear cut view of how things are in the sector urging people to know that they are also with them in the situation at hand.

"I think estimated billing itself is something that is pressure on the system as a whole,so I think one of the things that we have done significantly which you can see is the ramp up metering. "The MAP initiative has been a good thing and try and just increase the number of meters that we install into the system to close the gap.

" Lagosians like to have the right information so when you look at it and look at our customer base it is probably more than 80 percent that has been metered already, so when you look at the remainder that we have is to continue to try and get this metering in place and also to get the distribution transformers metering done.

The Chairman Ikeja Electric Mr Kola Adesina,appreciated the fact that the lawmakers think of the vulnerables and poor masses in the society.

"Seeking solution for life during and after COVID is quite commendable, as an organisation we are quite aligned with the Honourable members and we would do everything humanly conceivable to ensure that not only we have light but we have light in a steady manner.

"The charge in energy will be made available but more importantly we would want our people to conserve energy, when you are not using any appliance please switch them off,that way you preserve the electricity but if you go beyond what you require and start to use electricity beyond your need then you are likely to cause system failure and the feeder will trip and you won't have electricity.

"So whenever you are not in a room or the house please  switch off appliances, that way, light can be made readily available to Majority of our people.