



Monday 17 February 2020

Dr. Yinka Ayandele, Pampers Private School Drum Support For Child's Right Education

AgegePulse Magazine

Tutor General, Permanent Secretary, Lagos State Education District III, Ikoyi, Dr. Yinka Ayandele today played host to management and Students representatives from Pampers Private Schools for a round-table discussion on issues pertaining to children’s right to education.

Taking a cue from LASS-MUN, Dr. Ayandele stated that "I strongly support that “Every child has a right to education”, which in my opinion is the most powerful weapon for positive change in the world.

Below are the concluding statement of the award winning School's Administrator.

"The right to education is recognized as a fundamental human right as much as to life and every child deserves quality basic education.

The Lagos State Government also supports this cause and has positioned key MDAs like the Education Districts ; to promote, protect and ensure the rights of every child to education.

Office of Public Defender in Lagos State has also  given a voice to the voiceless by fighting for their protection and any form of abuse against the child.

A child’s future depends largely on his/her educational development and every country is expected to respect the right to educational freedom.

We therefore, rise to groom great leaders and would support on all fronts to ensure that their rights to Education are fulfilled".


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