



Showing posts with label Who. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Who. Show all posts

Friday 13 August 2021

Who are the Asade Family of Lagos? | AgegePulse Magazine

By Dayo Asade

#Watimagbo la Agege - Ogba - Ikeja  Division.

Ogba is an  ancient town in the old colony province of western Nigeria now Lagos State of Nigeria.

Ogba Ashade Palace, Ogba Agege

Ogba was founded by one prince Owoeni Asade and was a prince from Ile -Ife who left Ile -Ife in the late seventeenth Century, settled down briefly at Iseyin from where he moved to Afon town where his brother , an Ifa priest Consulted his  Ifa  oracle and they were  advised to  move  downward  and which is now Ota township.

They settle down at Ota in Osi quarters where  they met  their  relatives in IIoti quarters  with Osi palace Ota , which is now known and called Onikosi palace Ota . In the early eighteenth century , they went on hunting expedition with their brothers who founded the present day Orile Agege and they moved upward and settled down at the present day Ogbaland . In 1840 or there about during the Dahomey  war , Owoeni Asade and his brother moved to Ado -Odo where Arola Asade was born .

Both the father and son came back to Ogba in the year 1860 Owoeni Asade died in year 1876.Prince Arola Asade took over the reign of obaship of Ogbaland in the year 1880 and become so popular and commanded respect in all the Awori towns and environs , the then British Governor of Lagos crown colony Mr . Glover honoured Oba Asade with the British flag and he was being paid a stipend amount of thirty (30) shilling monthly.

The only Crown surveyor , Chief Herbert Macaulay of blessed memory in the year 1896,surveyed the area controlled by Oba Arola Asade. The area include the present Alausa formally Tappa village where the Lagos State secretariat  stands  today,Agindigbi, Adekunle , Oloti , Operekete , Jaguna,  Abule George, Ijaiye and part of Aguda Ogba town and the half of the present Agege town according to intelligent report of 1935 giving half of the present Agege station town to Ogba people.


When Arola Asade settled down, he was joined by Chief Madarikan who was a little nephew to Ebo Aweri,Wife of Arola Asade as tradition and customs in those days to see off a wife to her husband house and Chief Akilo from Ota, Chief Ajai Ofe from Ewu, chief Adarijo from Igbesa ,Chief Salawu from Ilorin and chief Akingbade from Ota . He was later joined by Ogabis, Ogunji Ajaguna’s all from Ota and Majaros, who own ¾ part of Ajegunle land . Owoeni Asade gave birth to four (4) children two male and two female . Namely (1) Arola (2) Iroko (3) Omoseyin (4) Dada Abori.

Arola Asade the eldest child of Owoeni was the first bale of Ogba and its environs in 1880 at the age of 40 years. He died on the 16th day of may 1930 at the age of 90 years.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

BREAKING: Court Suspends Oshiomole As APC Chairman

AgegePulse Magazine

A Federal Capital Territory High Court has granted an order of interim injunction stopping Comrade Adams Oshiomhole from parading himself as the National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Justice Danlami Senchi who granted the injunction on Wednesday said that political parties must be bound by their constitution and having been suspended by his ward, Comrade Oshiomhole is restrained from functioning as the National Chairman of the party pending the hearing and determination of the substantive suit.

The judge fixed hearing for April 7 and 8, 2020.

Protesters have been demanding the removal of Comrade Oshiomhole for failing in his duties of providing quality leadership for the party, a call the APC leader dismissed, tagging the group “a non-existing” one

Sunday 3 November 2019

Who killed Lagos?

By Chioma Gabriel

AgegePulse Magazine

Yes, it is the same Lagos that I’m talking about. Lagos is dead, murdered by bad leadership over the years. If you are living elsewhere and is nursing a dream about Lagos and the beautiful life, just know you are having a nightmare. The dream of a beautiful Lagos has been murdered by bad administration, selfish politicians and greedy businessmen. You don’t need to know their names but their actions speak louder than words.

Lagos is locked down. People sleep in traffic. There are no roads and where there seem to be, their bad conditions have hindered movements. The average Lagosian is a victim.  Every road is a pot hole and if you want to make a choice, it would be which pothole is deeper and how would you avoid deeper potholes. But there are no smooth roads anymore.

The problem with Lagos is the offshoot of failed promises handed down by subsequent governments at federal and state levels. The politicians say one thing and mean another.

They make promises bearing in mind that they would never execute them. They make political statements on how to fix the dilapidated port access roads, yet the nation’s business gateway suffers from the same problem.

And how do I know? I know because my office is located in the midst of the chaos; the chaos visited upon Lagos by politicians of yester-years and today who lied to Nigerians about what they planned to do for the people.
How many tank farms are located around the ports and who owns them? Now, the owners of the tank farms and other trailer-related businesses are the people that destroyed Lagos. Some are past leaders. Others are current leaders and they are bigger than Nigeria and other Nigerians.

They may be four or five; six or eight but they are selfish and care about themselves and not about others. The destiny of over 120 million

Who killed Lagos?

Nigerians are in the hands of these few people and because of them, an entire city is ruined; because of them, other businesses have been asked to go to hell; because of them, other road users have been asked to move to Siberia because the businesses of the few Nigerians located around the ports come first and these are the real owners of the roads. Others have been told they have no business living or operating around the area. We heard from the grapevine that even Nigerian Ports Authority will soon have to relocate and those in charge mean business.

Politicians past and present were consistently promising to end the protracted gridlock in Oshodi-Apapa and around the ports. The current governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu promised to end it within 60 days in office. But the truth is: the gridlocks have just matured to a new level. Sanwo-Olu has denied promising to end the gridlock in 60 days. The presidency and its task force on the gridlock have also failed. In fact, it’s as if the presidency is not being told the truth about what is going on in Apapa ports and its environs.

From all indications, it’s also obvious that Governor Sanwo-Olu does not understand the problem. As long as the tank farms and the tank-farmers are the untouchable Nigerians, that problem will never be solved. Why would any government approve so many tank-farms to be located within a small community causing thousands of containers to flood the area and the entire Lagos?

What happened to the trailer parks in Lagos and other places and why are there not enough? Why are the trailers refusing to park where they should and prefer blocking the roads? Why are they untouchable?

Vanguard Newspaper

Sunday 7 October 2018

Who Is Babajide Sanwo-Olu?

APC governorship candidate in Lagos state, Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu, was born on June 25, 1965 in Lagos. He had a fairly good upbringing, in the midst of a well groomed christian family.

Most of Sanwo-Olu’s education life has been in Lagos. He graduated from the prestigious University of Lagos, where he studied and obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Surveying. Shortly after obtaining his B.Sc., he proceeded to acquire his masters degree. He re-enrolled into the University of Lagos and duly obtained his MBA in Surveying.

While Sanwo-Olu is a trained and certified surveyor, he has a strong knack for business. He enrolled at the Lagos Business School, where he acquired his advanced business training and duly obtained his degree in Business Administration. He also attended the Business School in London, where he obtained his MBA.

Sanwo-Olu, as a corporate guru who knows the importance of governance, enrolled at the United States’ Kennedy Institute of Government. He was aptly trained in the area of government administration and civil responsibilities.

Babajide Sanwo-Olu, who is a trained Surveyor, started his career on a much different path. He was able to carve out a desired career path for himself and subsequently started out as a banker. He was, to say the least, highly successful in his chosen field of banking.

Sanwo-Olu’s Banking Career

Sanwo-Olu is well known for his success in the banking sector, with banking experience spanning well over a decade. He took up several roles and served in various capacities in three top commercial banks in Nigeria; First City Monument Bank (formerly known as First Atlantic Bank), United Bank of Africa (UBA) and Lead Bank PLC.

Babajide Sanwo-Olu‘s highlights as a banker started in the mid 1990s. He was appointed/promoted to the position of a Treasurer at the Lead Bank PLC. In this capacity, Sanwo-Olu was tasked with the prime responsibilities of overseeing the Liquid asset of the financial institution. He was also tasked with the daily management of the overall funding requirements of the bank. His tenure in this role lasted for only three years. He left the role in 1997 and subsequently left the bank for UBA.

While at the United Bank of Africa (one of Africa’s leading banks then and now), Babajide Sanwo-Olu rose to the rank of a Senior Executive Manager. He doubled as the Chief Head of UBA’s Money Market (Foreign). His primary responsibility in this role entailed management of UBA’s Liquidity and profit enhancement.

The Lagos state Governorship aspirant also headed UBA’s Strategic team. His team oversaw the bank’s entire investment banking among other important functions. Sanwo-Olu achieved significant success in his executive position at UBA and another top bank came calling for his services, with a much better offer.

Sanwo-Olu became the Deputy General Manager of First Atlantic Bank PLC (now First City Monument Bank – FCMB). He was charged with the responsibility of liaising with top companies in the country, as an expert Corporate financial analyst and advisor.

After about a decade at the top of the Nigerian banking sector, Sanwo-Olu decided to opt for a career transition, with the aim of infiltrating other private and public sectors.

Babajide Sanwo-Olu Career in the Private Sector

While, Babajide Sanwo-Olu has had his fair share of success in the Banking sector, he was equally successful in other businesses he ventured into, in the private sector. In fact, he was more successful in his other career endeavours in the private line.

Armed to the teeth with his corporate certifications, membership and experience, his success in the private sector is no fluke. He is a certified member of prominent management institutes in the country. Sanwo-Olu was trained in Personnel Management and holds the prominent membership certificate of CIPM (Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement). This is in addition to his certification by NITAD (Nigerian Institute of Training and Development).

Over the past 15 years, Babajide Sanwo-Olu has served as a board member of several top companies in Lagos and Nigeria as a whole. Apart from being a board member, he also acted in a consulting managerial capacity (chairman) for some of these firms. Some of these firms include:

**PowerCap consulting – a private power consulting company in Lagos.
**COSG – Caverton Offshore Services Group (Sanwo-Olu was a board member).
***Baywaych Group of companies – Constructions and Real estate (Sanwo-Olu acted in the capacity of a Chairman).
**LLNL-Light Level Nigerian Limited – a private digital solution firm (Sanwo-Olu acted in a directorial capacity).
**First Class Group – with specialty in cooling mechanism. A support firm of many telecom giants in Nigeria.
**Wow! Interiors – Interior design and house planning.
**Beryl Shelter – a real estate coy.

The above are some of the top companies, where Babajide Sanwo-Olu held (or still holds) stakes. In some of these companies, he was the CEO/Chairman/Director. In others, he was only a stakeholder.

While Babajide Sanwo-Olu has been extremely successful in the private sector, his exploits in the public sphere has, thus far, been much more successful.

Babajide Sanwo-Olu’s Career in the Public Sector

This part of Sanwo-Olu’s career is by far the most significant. This portion of his career and the inherent achievements have stood him out. These have constituted the major highlights of his campaign. His exploits in the public space is, without doubt, his selling point in his quest of becoming the most powerful individual in West Africa’s richest city, Lagos.

Sanwo-Olu has been hailed by many as an apt specialist in the areas of human development and strategic planning. He has acted in several capacities in the Lagos state government from 2003 to date.

In 2003, during the tenure of Lagos state’s godfather, Tinubu, Babajide Sanwo-Olu was appointed as a Special Adviser by Tinubu’s deputy, Femi Pedro. He acted in the capacity of Special Adviser to the deputy governor on Corporate matters. This appointment set him up politically for the best thing to come. Fifteen years down the line, he’s became the favoured choice to take up the mantle of leadership in Lagos state.

A couple of years after his appointment, Sanwo-Olu was given the directive to oversee the ministry of Economic Planning and Budget, in an acting capacity.

Four years after his political appointment, he was appointed by the outgoing governor, Tinubu, as a substantive commissioner, to head the Lagos state Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The ministry is arguably the most important unit of the Lagos state government, with regards to its work functions.

After the 2007 election came Babatunde Raji Fashola, a candidate handpicked by Tinubu. Fashola relieved Sanwo-Olu of his role as the commissioner of Commerce and Industry. He, however, reappointed him to head the ministry of Establishment, Training and Pensions. Sanwo-Olu held this office for good 8 years. He left the office in 2015, after the expiration of Fashola’s governorship tenure.

As emphasized above, from 2003 to 2015 (12 full years), Babajide Sanwo-Olu has been involved in the core operations and governance of Lagos state. He has worked successfully with two past governors of the state, Tinubu and Fashola.

Sanwo-Olu was serving as Managing Director of Lagos State Property Development Company.  A government owned setup, which oversees housing and urban development in Lagos state.

Sanwo-Olu Family

Sanwo-Olu, who hails from a Christian home in lagos Island, is happily married with kids. Babajide Sanwo-Olu is married to Dr. (Mrs) Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu, their marriage is blessed with four ....